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Class officers plan various class events like Homecoming, Powerpuff, rallies, proms, and fundraisers. The Class office team consists of 1 president, 2 (for grades 9-11) or 3 (for grade 12) vice presidents, 1 secretary, and 1 treasurer.


Election Timeline

Ballots will be on Infinite Campus on Wednesday, March 12th from 12:55pm-5pm

Results will be announced through Schoology

Runoffs (if necessary) will happen Thursday, March 13th from 8am-5pm


Your Candidates are (by position and alphabetical by first name):

President: Shreya Somani, Kartik Gudapati

Vice President: Aarit Parekh, Aarush Channapragada, Audrey Zhu, Chelsea Guo, Diya Shah

Secretary: Izzy Hosein

Treasurer: Dave Elango

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