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2028 Secretary Candidates

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Chantelle Ho

Candidate for 2028 Secretary

Hi Class of 2028, I’m Chantelle and I’m running to be your class secretary! I enjoy being involved in many aspects of our community, from volunteering at animal organizations, to being an officer at Miller STEAM Magazine. As Class Secretary, I will ensure transparency by sharing behind the scenes of events and sharing easily accessible information to encourage student involvement. I also plan to organize and schedule events, ensuring students have a great time. Beyond students' wellness, I will prioritize their mental health both on and off campus by organizing mental health events. Vote Chantelle for Class Secretary!

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Michelle Chung

Candidate for 2028 Secretary

Hi Lynbrook! I’m Michelle Chung, and I’m running to be your class secretary. This isn’t just about me, it’s about us! I want to keep you informed, involved, and excited about school events. I’ll give you a voice through me and listen to your suggestions and ideas. From spirit weeks to class activities, I’ll make participation fun and easy. Need info? I’ve got you covered. Have ideas? I’m all ears. I’ll bring events you’ll remember and enjoy, and ensure easy access to signup links and event details. I’ll listen to your ideas and make sure your voice is heard. Vote Michelle Chung for 2025-2026 secretary!

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Richard Yu

Candidate for 2028 Secretary

What’s up Class of 2028! My name is Richard Yu and I am running to be your Class Secretary. My goal is to keep our class informed, involved, and organized. As secretary, I will ensure clear communication between the student body and officers, keep detailed meeting notes, and create organized event plans so every event runs as smoothly as possible. I hope to make your high school experience more fun and memorable through strong class engagement in exciting activities. To make this year the best one yet, Yu need to vote for Richard Yu!

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Sophia Fan

Candidate for 2028 Secretary

HEY 2028! I’m Sophia Fan, and I’m running to be YOUR class secretary! Besides taking the Leadership class in Miller, I was also your backdrop lead for homecoming, and I am currently the percussion section leader in concert band. I want to use YOUR input to make school a better experience for YOU. What should we have in our next rally? Photos that capture everyone? Different decorations and games? Maybe you have some suggestions. I’ll make sure you can propose YOUR ideas and take part in making these decisions. Vote Sophia Fan for secretary to make your year legendary!

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